Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal
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Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Apr. 26, 2019
Perspectives on the Welfare of Farmed Fur Animals
Pages: 7-12 Views: 1704 Downloads: 824
[01] Hannu Tapio Korhonen, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Teknologiakatu, Kokkola, Finland.
Aim was to provide perspectives to question: what should we think about fur animal welfare? Discussion about animal welfare is often based on opinions and beliefs. Scientific facts are forgotten or downplayed. Scientific understanding should be encouraged and emphasized. Caring for animals is associated with an understanding of animal behavior and communication. Caring for animals includes caring for their welfare. Animal welfare legislation can satisfy a basic wellness. When an animal is in balance with itself and its environment, its well-being is good. Well-being is not stable but oscillating: the smaller the oscillation, the better animal welfare can be considered to be. The main parties involved in animal welfare are animal producers, animal activists, the animal itself and legislators. We have three alternatives for the ways in which to keep farmed animals, namely cage, enclosure or nature. Each environment has certain good and bad sides. In the wild, we can find only animals that are alive. Is it right to take only those animals which are alive as a benchmark? Or should we consider also welfare of those who have not coped but died? Discussion on animal welfare is taking place among human beings. Animals cannot speak, so, they can be a party of discussion only indirectly. It is essential that we all let our views be known. We must discuss issues fully, publicly and repeatedly. Finally, we much reach a consensus that will be translated into laws and regulations.
Wellbeing, Welfare Models, Moral Understanding, Alternative Environments
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[18] WelFur. (2015a). WelFur Welfare Assessment Protocol for Foxes. WelFur Consortium, Brussels, Belgium. 130 p.
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